United States securities and exchange commission logo

                               May 22, 2023

       Yu Gong
       Chief Executive Officer
       iQIYI, Inc.
       No. 21, North Road of Workers' Stadium
       Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027
       People   s Republic of China

                                                        Re: iQIYI, Inc.
                                                            Form 20-F for
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2022
                                                            Filed March 22,
                                                            Form 6-K Filed
February 22, 2023
                                                            File No. 1-38431

       Dear Yu Gong:

              We have reviewed your filings and have the following comments. In
some of our
       comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so we may better
understand your

              Please respond to these comments within ten business days by
providing the requested
       information or advise us as soon as possible when you will respond. If
you do not believe our
       comments apply to your facts and circumstances, please tell us why in
your response.

                                                        After reviewing your
response to these comments, we may have additional comments.

       Form 20-F for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2022

       Introduction, page 1

   1.                                                   Please revise to
include a definition of "China" and the "PRC." If your definitions of
                                                        "China" and the "PRC"
exclude the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and
                                                        Macau, please
additionally clarify that the legal and operational risks associated with
                                                        operating in China also
apply to operations in Hong Kong and Macau. This
                                                        clarification may
appear in the definition itself or in an appropriate discussion of legal and
                                                        operational risks.
       Item 3. Key Information, page 3

   2.                                                   We note your disclosure
on pages 4 and 5 regarding the legal and operational risks
                                                        associated with being
based in or having the majority of your operations in China. Your
 Yu Gong
iQIYI, Inc. LastNameYu Gong
May         NameiQIYI, Inc.
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FirstName LastName
         disclosure should make clear that these risks could result in a
material change in your
         operations and/or the value of your securities or could significantly
limit or completely
         hinder your ability to offer or continue to offer securities to
investors and cause the value
         of such securities to significantly decline or be worthless. Please
also disclose the location
         of your auditor   s headquarters and discuss how the Consolidated
Appropriations Act
         in 2023, and related regulations, will affect your company. Disclose
that trading in your
         securities may be prohibited under the Holding Foreign Companies
Accountable Act, as
         amended by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, and related
regulations if the
         PCAOB determines that it cannot inspect or investigate completely your
auditor for a
         period of two consecutive years, and that as a result an exchange may
determine to delist
         your securities.
3.       It appears that you have operations in, and, have at least one
director or officer located in,
         Hong Kong. Please discuss here the applicable laws and regulations in
Hong Kong as
         well as the related risks and consequences accordingly.
4.       Please refer to the section captioned "Cash Flows through Our
Organization." We note
         your disclosure that although the VIEs received "nil, nil and nil as
loans" for the years
         ended December 31, 2020, 2021 and 2022, the VIEs also appear to have
repaid "RMB90.5
         million, nil and nil" for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2021 and
         respectively. Please address this discrepancy and clarify your
intentions to settle any
         amounts owed under the VIE agreements. Additionally, for the transfers
made to the
         Cayman Islands holding company, please state which entity made the
transfer and explain
         the tax consequences. Describe any restrictions on foreign exchange
and your ability to
         transfer cash between entities, across borders, and to U.S. investors.
Describe any
         restrictions and limitations on your ability to distribute earnings
from the company,
         including your subsidiaries and/or the consolidated VIEs, to the
parent company and U.S.
         investors as well as the ability to settle amounts owed under the VIE
agreements. Provide
         a cross-reference to your discussion of this issue in your summary
risk factors and risk
         factors sections.
5.       Please amend your disclosure here, in the summary risk factors, and
risk factors sections
         to state that, to the extent cash or assets in the business is in the
PRC/Hong Kong or a
         PRC/Hong Kong entity, the funds or assets may not be available to fund
operations or for
         other use outside of the PRC/Hong Kong due to interventions in or the
imposition of
         restrictions and limitations on the ability of you, your subsidiaries,
or the consolidated
         VIEs by the PRC government to transfer cash or assets. In your Item 3
disclosure, provide
         cross-references to the discussions in the summary risk factors and
risk factors sections.
6.       Please refer to the section captioned "Cash Flows through Our
Organization." To the
         extent you have cash management policies that dictate how funds are
transferred between
         you, your subsidiaries, the consolidated VIEs or investors, summarize
the policies here,
         and disclose the source of such policies (e.g., whether they are
contractual in nature,
         pursuant to regulations, etc.); alternatively, state here that you
have no such cash
         management policies that dictate how funds are transferred. Please
also include this
 Yu Gong
iQIYI, Inc. LastNameYu Gong
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         disclosure in Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects.
7.       Please revise to provide here, as you do on page 90, disclosure that
the company uses a
         structure that involves VIEs based in China and what that entails,
along with a diagram of
         the company   s corporate structure, identifying the person or entity
that owns the equity in
         each depicted entity and using dashed lines without arrows to denote
relationships with
         the VIEs. Please also revise your diagram of the company's corporate
structure on page
         90 and use dashed lines without arrows to denote relationships with
the VIEs. Describe in
         greater detail all contracts and arrangements through which you claim
to have economic
         rights and exercise control that results in consolidation of the VIEs
operations and
         financial results into your financial statements. Identify clearly the
entity in which
         stockholders hold an interest and the entity(ies) in which the company
  s operations are
         conducted. Describe the relevant contractual agreements between the
entities and how
         this type of corporate structure may affect investors and the value of
their investment,
         including how and why the contractual arrangements may be less
effective than direct
         ownership and that the company may incur substantial costs to enforce
the terms of the
         arrangements. Disclose the uncertainties regarding the status of the
rights of the Cayman
         Islands holding company with respect to its contractual arrangements
with the VIEs, its
         founders and owners, and the challenges the company may face enforcing
         contractual agreements due to legal uncertainties and jurisdictional
8.       We note the following disclosure:

                "Our wholly-owned subsidiaries, Beijing QIYI Century and iQIYI
New Media, have
              entered into contractual arrangements with the variable interest
entities and their
              respective shareholders, and such contractual arrangements enable
us to impose
              control over, receive the economic benefits of, and have an
exclusive option to
              purchase all or part of the equity interest and assets in the
variable interest entities
              when and to the extent permitted by PRC law."

                "We have control over and are the primary beneficiary of
Beijing iQIYI, Shanghai
              iQIYI and Shanghai Zhong Yuan through a series of contractual

                "We have control and are the primary beneficiary of iQIYI
Pictures and Intelligent
              Entertainment through a series of contractual arrangements."

                "Such contractual arrangements enable us to impose control over
activities that most
              significantly affect the economic performance of the variable
interest entities, receive
              economic benefits of and absorb losses that potentially could be
significant to the
              variable interest entities, and have an exclusive option to
purchase all or part of the
              equity interest and assets in the variable interest entities when
and to the extent
              permitted by PRC law. Because of these contractual arrangements,
we are the
              primary beneficiary of the variable interest entities in mainland
China and hence
              consolidate their financial results as our variable interest
 Yu Gong
iQIYI, Inc. LastNameYu Gong
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         However, neither the investors in the holding company nor the holding
company itself
         have an equity ownership in, direct foreign investment in, or control
of, through such
         ownership or investment, the VIEs. Accordingly, please refrain from
implying that the
         contractual agreements are equivalent to equity ownership in the
business of the VIEs.
         Any references to control or benefits that accrue to you because of
the VIEs should be
         limited to a clear description of the conditions you have satisfied
for consolidation of the
         VIEs under U.S. GAAP. Additionally, your disclosure should clarify
that you are the
         primary beneficiary of the VIEs for accounting purposes.
9.       With respect to the Summary of Risk Factors that disclose the risks
related to your
         corporate structure and being based in or having the majority of your
operations in China,
         please revise your disclosure to provide specific cross-references
(title and page) to the
         more detailed discussion of these risks in the prospectus.
10.      Please refer to the sections captioned "Permissions Required from the
PRC Authorities for
         Our Operations" and "Permissions Required from the PRC Authorities for
         Financing Activities." Please disclose each permission or approval
that you, your
         subsidiaries, or the VIEs are required to obtain from Chinese
authorities to operate your
         business and to offer the securities being registered to foreign
investors. State whether
         you, your subsidiaries, or VIEs are covered by permissions
requirements from the China
         Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), Cyberspace Administration of
China (CAC)
         or any other governmental agency that is required to approve the VIEs'
operations, and
         state affirmatively whether you have received all requisite
permissions or approvals and
         whether any permissions or approvals have been denied. Please also
describe the
         consequences to you and your investors if you, your subsidiaries, or
the VIEs: (i) do not
         receive or maintain such permissions or approvals, (ii) inadvertently
conclude that such
         permissions or approvals are not required, or (iii) applicable laws,
regulations, or
         interpretations change and you are required to obtain such permissions
or approvals in the
         future. With respect to the disclosure in these sections, we note that
you do not appear to
         have relied upon an opinion of counsel with respect to your implied
conclusions that you
         do not need any additional permissions and approvals to operate your
business and to
         offer securities to investors. If true, state as much and explain why
such an opinion was
         not obtained.
11.      Please refer to the section captioned "Permissions Required from the
PRC Authorities for
         Our Operations." We note your disclosure that you "have obtained the
requisite licenses
         and permits from the PRC government authorities that are material" for
         operations. The disclosure here should not be qualified by
materiality. Please make
         appropriate revisions to your disclosure.
12.      Please refer to the section captioned "Financial Information Related
to the Variable
         Interest Entities." Please revise your condensed consolidating
schedule to separately
         present your WFOE, Beijing QIYI Century Science & Technology Co., Ltd,
in the
         condensed consolidating schedule. The schedule should disaggregate the
parent company,
         the VIEs and its consolidated subsidiaries, the WFOEs that are the
primary beneficiary of
 Yu Gong
iQIYI, Inc. LastNameYu Gong
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         the VIEs, and an aggregation of other entities that are consolidated.
The objective of this
         disclosure is to allow an investor to evaluate the nature of assets
held by, and the
         operations of, entities apart from the VIEs, as well as the nature and
amounts associated
         with intercompany transactions. Additionally, please revise your
tabular disclosure on
         pages 11 and 13 to present major line items, such as revenue and cost
of goods/services,
         and subtotals and disaggregated intercompany amounts, such as separate
line items for
         intercompany receivables and investment in subsidiary.
Risk Factors
Our business is subject to complex and evolving Chinese and international laws
and regulations
regarding cybersecurity . . ., page 19

13.      Please state to what extent you believe that you are compliant with
the regulations or
         policies that have been issued by the CAC to date.
Our ADSs may be prohibited from trading in the United States under the HFCAA in
the future . .
.., page 45

14.      Please expand your disclosure here to disclose that the Holding
Foreign Companies
         Accountable Act, as amended by the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2023, decreases
         the number of consecutive    non-inspection years    from three years
to two years, and
         thus, reduces the time before your securities may be prohibited from
trading or delisted.
         Additionally, we note that you have listed as a Commission-Identified
Issuer. Your
         revised disclosure should explain why you were identified and provide
any additional
         context necessary for investors to understand the meaning and
significance to your
         operations of this determination. Update your disclosure to describe
the potential
         consequences to you if the PRC adopts positions at any time in the
future that would
         prevent the PCAOB from continuing that it is unable to inspect or
investigate completely
         accounting firms headquartered in mainland China or Hong Kong.
Item 16I. Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions that Prevent Inspections,
page 147

15.      We note your statement that you reviewed your register of members and
public filings
         made by your shareholders in connection with your required submission
under paragraph
         (a). Please supplementally describe any additional materials that were
reviewed and tell us
         whether you relied upon any legal opinions or third party
certifications such as affidavits
         as the basis for your submission. In your response, please provide a
similarly detailed
         discussion of the materials reviewed and legal opinions or third party
certifications relied
         upon in connection with the required disclosures under paragraphs
(b)(2) and (3).
16.      We note that your Ex. 8.1 identifies principal subsidiaries in
mainland China, Hong Kong,
         and Singapore. Please note that 16I(b) requires that you provide
disclosures for yourself
         and your consolidated foreign operating entities, including variable
interest entities or
         similar structures.
 Yu Gong
iQIYI, Inc. LastNameYu Gong
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                With respect to (b)(2), please supplementally clarify the
jurisdictions in which your
              material consolidated foreign operating entities are organized or
incorporated and
              confirm, if true, that you have disclosed the percentage of your
shares or the shares of
              your consolidated operating entities owned by governmental
entities in each foreign
              jurisdiction in which you have consolidated operating entities in
your supplemental
              response. Alternatively, please provide this information in your

                With respect to (b)(3), in your response please confirm that
you have addressed all
              consolidated operating entities in mainland China, including your
subsidiaries, or
              provide the information in your supplemental response.
17.      In order to clarify the scope of your review, please supplementally
describe the steps you
         have taken to confirm that none of the members of your board or the
boards, if any, of
         your consolidated foreign operating entities are officials of the
Chinese Communist Party.
         For instance, please tell us how board members    current or prior
memberships on, or
         affiliations with, committees of the Chinese Communist Party factored
into your
         determination. In addition, please tell us whether you have relied
upon third party
         certifications such as affidavits as the basis for your disclosure.
Financial Statements
Note 4. Long-Term Investments, page F-33

18.      Please tell us your consideration of providing the information in Rule
4-08(g) of
         Regulation S-X related to your equity method investments.

19.      If you have one or more directors, officers or members of senior
management located in
         the PRC or Hong Kong, please (i) state that this is the case and
identify the relevant
         individuals and (ii) include a separate    Enforceability    section
that addresses whether or
         not investors may bring actions under the civil liability provisions
of the U.S. federal
         securities laws against you, your officers or directors who are
residents of a foreign
         country, and whether investors may enforce these civil liability
provisions when your
         assets, officers, and directors are located outside of the United
States. Please also include a
         risk factor addressing the challenges of bringing actions and
         judgments/liabilities against such individuals.

Form 6-K Filed February 22, 2023

Exhibit 99.1, page 1

20.      Please tell us why the reconciling items related to the loss on equity
method investments
         in your reconciliation of net (loss) income to non-GAAP net (loss)
income of do not equal
 Yu Gong
iQIYI, Inc.
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Page 7
         the loss from equity method investments presented in the condensed
         statements of (loss) income. Also, please clearly explain how you are
calculating the tax
         effects of the non-GAAP adjustments presented. Refer to Question
102.11 of the
         Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations on Non-GAAP Financial
        We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for
the accuracy
and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action
or absence of
action by the staff.

       You may contact Tony Watson at (202) 551-3318 or Rufus Decker at (202)
551-3769 if
you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related
matters. Please
contact Rucha Pandit at (202) 551-6022 or Cara Wirth at (202) 551-7127 with any
questions. Contact Jennifer Thompson at (202) 551-3737 or Dan Morris at (202)
551-3314 if
you have any questions about comments related to your status as a
Commission-Identified Issuer
during your most recently completed fiscal year.

FirstName LastNameYu Gong                                     Sincerely,
Comapany NameiQIYI, Inc.
                                                              Division of
Corporation Finance
May 22, 2023 Page 7                                           Office of Trade &
FirstName LastName